Creamy Mushroom Spinach Chicken

I love a good chicken steak. Sue me. I’m from Lahore, so steak doesn’t always mean a lean cut of beef, medium rare. It could mean a deliciously charred piece of chicken, topped with Pakistan’s favorite sauce, a flavor infused cream. That’s what this is. In fact, this recipe rang so true as a Pakistani favorite that many of you made it within a couple days of me posting a detail lacking recipe on my instagram, so this one’s for you guys! The full recipe in all it’s glory.

Here’s what you’ll need:

1 pound chicken fillets, butterflied

1 Tblspn chopped garlic

salt and pepper for chicken to taste

1 cup mushrooms, sliced

1/4 tsp salt

1/3 tsp black pepper

1/3 tsp white pepper

1/2 tsp chilli flakes

1/2 tsp mustard powder

1/3 tsp dried oregano

1/3 tsp dried tarragon

2 cups baby spinach

3/4 cup heavy cream

Start off by heating some oil in a large non stick pan and sauté the garlic for a minute. Then add the chicken fillets. Sprinkle salt and black pepper to taste on one side. Cook for 2-3 minutes then flip chicken and sprinkle salt and black pepper to taste on the other side as well. Cook for another 2-3 minutes. Make sure you get some color on the chicken. Then set aside.

In the same pan add a little more oil only if needed, and add the mushrooms and all the seasoning and herbs. Sauté for a couple minutes, then add the spinach.

Add the heavy cream before the spinach wilts completely and cook on a low flame for a few minutes. If the sauce thickens too much add a splash of milk or water to loosen it up. Taste to adjust salt, then add the chicken back into the sauce, cover and simmer for a couple minutes to let the chicken absorb some of the sauce and release some flavor.

Serve with garlic rice or pasta. In fact, if you want to serve it with pasta you can cut the chicken into thin strips before adding it back into the sauce.


3 thoughts on “Creamy Mushroom Spinach Chicken

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